Author Archives: sincerelymrsb

Here are a few photos of the beautiful baby shower my mother and sisters planned for me! I am a simple kind of girl but I do appreciate those details. What girl doesn’t? I loved the potted flowers that they used as centerpieces because our guests were able to take them home, plus they are eco-friendly décor! No guilt of having to throw away useless plastic centerpieces! Also, if its hard to tell, the crib was used as the gift holder, isn’t that a cute idea!?

I loved that some of these things were recycled from past parties and those that weren’t were bought at Dollar Tree (banner, paper centerpieces, baby shower confetti, cake décor), Party City (table covers), and Michaels (photo frames, tissue pom poms)  making it inexpensive and beautiful way to decorate!

Sincerely, Mrs B

garden baby shower 7

garden baby shower 5

garden baby shower 1

garden baby shower 8

garden baby shower 2

garden baby shower 3

garden baby shower 4

garden baby shower 6

How far along are you? 31 weeks – 9 weeks left to go! (I hope!)

Total weight gain/measurements: I weighed myself on Sunday while shopping at bed bath and beyond and I’m up at 134, gaining 20 pounds so far

Maternity clothes: Last week was soooo hot! I made good use of my maxi dresses, so comfortable!

Stretch marks: I found a light stretch mark on my lower back. It’s very faint so I’m not panicking yet. A few weeks back I mentioned that my mother gave me an almond oil stretch mark prevention set. Well, I was hesitant about the smell, but I started using it and the scent is very subtle! So that’s what I am using now.

Sleep: My sleep has changed this week. In the last seven days I’ve woken up twice for an hour in the early morning. My mood and energy levels are NOT appreciating these changes

Best moment this week: I was laying down on my bed and I started seeing some crazy movement coming from inside my belly. It hit me that my baby has arms and legs and a head and now I can actually visualize and see how she is using them! It just got more real….

Miss anything? Sodium drenched food! I started following a low sodium diet because I’m retaining water. I want a slice of pizza my heart and a Jumbo Jack!

Movement: Movements are no longer cute little bumps, they are strong and consistent. I was sitting in a meeting and suddenly groaned out loud because this little baby kicked me hard.

Food cravings: chocolate cake, chocolate cupcake, chocolate ice cream, brownies, donuts, chocolate croissants. Unfortunately most of these are also loaded with sodium :/ I think I have a chocolate monster growing inside me 😉

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not feeling sick and very grateful for that! I experience allergies in the morning once a while but they last an hour at the most, so can’t complain about that either!

Gender: Girl

Labour signs: Once a while I will feel this quick painful stretch low in my belly and wonder if that, X10, is what contractions will feel like.

Symptoms: back pain after sitting all day, swollen feet, tight tummy, increased appetite.

Belly button in or out? In.

mood: E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! My productivity has decreased both at home and at work. I’m grateful that I have a flexible work schedule and environment as well as husband 🙂 I have learned to slow down and that has helped my mood.

most looking forward to: One day, far into the future, I look forward to the day that my baby girl can read these posts and get a glimpse of life before she arrived. I hope through these quick short posts she can get a feeling of how much in love I was with her, even before meeting her, and how excited I was to welcome her into my life.

Sincerely, Mrs B

Hello, I am actually 29 weeks already, but I hadn’t had a chance to publish the 28th week, so here it is!

How far along are you? 28 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: I was 132 pounds a week ago, so I’m guessing I am more now…

Maternity clothes: I really didn’t want to go shopping anymore, but even my long shirts are starting to look short so I headed over to H&M and bought two long tunic tees.

Stretch marks: None and I love the oil I am currently using. My Mom bought me a set of almond oil, the same product she used with her pregnancies, but the smell was too strong for me 😦

Sleep: I am taking full advantage of my sleep!! Still sleeping through the night!

Best moment this week: Being surprised by my best friends, who flew across the state to spend a weekend together before the baby comes.

Miss anything? Salami when my friends were drinking wine and I was drinking alcohol-free wine

Movement: My baby is getting stronger!! I not only feel kicks, I feel her re-adjusting herself in there

Food cravings: chocolate!!! All day everyday!! Today I had Abuelita hot chocolate with a chocolate glazed donut!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Eating too much

Gender: Girl

Labour signs: Well it’s official, I’m experiencing Braxton Hicks for two weeks now. They aren’t painful or too uncomfortable, I just feel my belly tightening

Symptoms: back pain after sitting all day

Belly button in or out? Still in, but its on its way out…

mood: I was an emotional roller coaster this week! One day I was feeling happy and energetic and the next day I came home from work and went straight to bed, I had noooooo motivation to do absolutely anything, I seriously felt depressed for an afternoon. I probably cried in four different situations this week, and one of them was while listening to Obama’s speech in response to the Boston shootings.

most looking forward to: Meeting my baby for the first time, and after that, watching her grow and develop!

Sincerely, Mrs B


How far along are you? 26 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: I am 129 pounds, which means I’ve gained approximately 16 pounds

Maternity clothes: My normal clothes are starting to get very tight and uncomfortable. I was getting away with wearing my normal jeans with a belly band, but I’m constantly having to rearrange them as I feel them slipping down. Also my normal shirts are starting to get shorter therefore revealing my belly band. Talk about ill-fitting clothes!

Stretch marks: My mom found a very light stretch mark on my lower back. Im not sure if that’s because of pregnancy or if I’ve had it for some time. Needless to say, I immediately placed an order on Amazon for a stretch mark prevention oil.

Sleep: My sleep has been good. I am sleeping all through the night with my comfortable body pillow. Only about twice a week am I waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.

Best moment this week: I got to see my baby girl through ultra sound again! i went in for a non-pregnancy related ultrasound, and the tech was more than happy to let me see her! She looked a lot bigger and we even caught her sucking her thumb!

Miss anything? Not worrying about finding cute clothes that fit!

Movement: Yes, I am constantly feeling her move in there all day long. And i can now see the movement from outside. Just today, my husband and I felt her leg and saw her kicking us as we *gently* poked her and talked to her.

Food cravings: Sweets. I have to admit that last week my husband and I made brownies, so we had brownie sundaes two days in a row… The bad thing about chocolate is, the more I eat, the more I crave. I need to detox.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not queasy or sick, but my feet have started to get swollen, which isn’t very cute. I especially notice after exercising. How is that suppose to motivate a girl to keep on exercising!?!

Gender: Girl

Labour signs: None!

Symptoms: Well I already talked about my swollen feet. Another uncomfortable symptom, is large heavy breast. I miss my B bup sized breast!!! They didn’t give me any problems at all.

Belly button in or out? It is still in but I think its on its way out..

mood: Ha! Today was the first day that I truly felt in a terrible mood. I woke up cranky and lazy. I spent the morning feeling irritated by everything   Then we went to a movie, Olympus Has Fallen, and I cried. I cried at the beginning of the movie and at the end of the movie. Then I felt better.

most looking forward to: the moment when I get to hold my baby girl for the first time ever.

Sincerely, Mrs B


How far along are you? 23 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: I have an appointment on Monday and will find out then. I’m estimating I’ve gained 15 pounds since finding out I was pregnant.

Maternity clothes: I haven’t bought anything new. I’m still wearing maternity jeans half of the time and my regular jeans with a band the other half. I am starting to fantasize about long, comfortable, maxi dresses for the summer.

Stretch marks: None so far. I started researching stretch mark prevention creams but haven’t decided on any.

Sleep: My sleep has been weird this week! Some nights I feel totally energized and can’t sleep and other days I wake up needing more sleep!!!!

Best moment this week: Deciding on a stroller, and I must say that I’m super excited about it! After hours of research I was set on the city mini baby jogger until I came across a review that compared the mini city with the britax b-agile single stroller– they are practically identical but at the end I decided on the britax because it has better features! I think the stroller is the the baby item that I am most looking forward to.

Miss anything? I missed beer for the first time last Friday. I had a stressful and exhausting day at work and I daydreamed of having a nice cold beer.

Movement: Movement has been getting stronger, but I haven’t felt or seen kicks yet. I often feel my baby girl move the moment I lay down in bed, so my husband takes advantage and likes to rest his head on my belly and hear and feel her move 🙂 its a sweet scene

Food cravings: food cravings this week…..hmm I haven’t really had any, but I have noticed that everything sounds good and I want to have a little taste of everything I come across. I guess the upside of a slow digestive system is that I limit my diet to whole grains and fiber, and only allow myself sweets once in a while, and fried food like French fries on the weekend only.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not this week.

Gender: Girl

Labour signs: None!

Symptoms: Pressure on my ribs after I eat or after sitting down for a while. Also my feet have started to get swollen this week eek!!! I hope it’s just because of the warm weather we’ve had for the past couple of days.

Belly button in or out? In, and I have officially removed my belly button ring! 😦

mood: Happy. My husband and I set up the bassinet and started making room for our baby girl’s clothes in our drawers – and it totally hit us that we will be having another little person living with us in a few months.

most looking forward to I’m going to sound lame and materialistic, but I’m looking forward to taking our baby girl out to the park and the library in her britax stroller!

Sincerely, Mrs B

My first pregnancy post! I always thought that I start documenting my pregnancy from the moment i learned that i was pregnant, but my first trimester wasn’t the easiest, and I had no motivation to write about it!

How far along are you? 20 weeks, I’m halfways and anxious to get to the 40 weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: 2 weekends ago I had gained 7 pounds, I haven’t weigh myself lately.

Maternity clothes: I started unbuttoning my pants around 8 weeks because I had terrible bloat, so I’ve been slowing looking for maternity clothes, especially pants since my regular shirts still fit comfortably. After multiple trips to Motherhood Maternity, Pea in the pod, macys, nordstroms, forever 21, H&M, and old navy- i finally have four pairs pants of maternity jeans (I love jeans). My favorite jeans are the GAP maternity always skinny jeans They price was a lot more than I wanted to spend, but they are so worth it, they are stylish and not mom jeans at all! I also continue to wear my regular jeans with the help of maternity motherhood’s tummy sleeve however maternity jeans are a lot more comfortable because im not constantly having to re-adjust.

Stretch marks: None so far. I also haven’t started using a special stretch mark cream, just my regular lotion. I’ve read that gaining weight gradually also helps in avoiding strech marks, so I’ve been monitoring my eating habits.

Sleep: I sleep through the night! During the first trimester I would wake up once at night, so I’m glad that Im getting my full night’s sleep. I also sleep with the snoogle body pillow and I love it! I use to sleep on my tummy pre-pregnancy, and during my first trimester I would wake up on my back, so the snoogle really helps me in sleeping on my left side, and it offers support in the all the right places! This product was soo worth my money!

Best moment this week: Giving in to having one red velvet cupcake, which I had been craving since Valentine’s day.

Miss anything? Shopping non-maternity clothes. Many stores are coming out with their cute spring clothes, and I don’t think I will be fitting into many of them.

Movement: I started feeling movement around 18 weeks, and the movement is getting stronger but it’s still subtle. Two nights ago I felt rhythmic and consistent movement which made me think that my baby girl was experiencing hiccups.

Food cravings: I haven’t had any of the moments of “I have to have “X” RIGHT NOW”. I do however crave warm milk beverages (chai tea, latte’s, etc) and chocolate, but I’m okay not having them, especially if they are high in sugar.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! Glad to be over the queasiness, which probably ended week 15.

Gender: Girl

Labour signs: None and not hoping to have any for a while!

Symptoms: sleepy, but not exhausted.

Belly button in or out? In, and my husband is trying to get me to take out my belly button ring, but Im not ready!

mood: Oh my mood changes, but the majority of the time I go between happy and excited to feeling emotional, especially when someone I care about is going through a rough patch. I also get hangry when I dont eat for a couple of hours. Overall, Im surprised that I’m not crying all the time, and I’m able to manage this better than I expected

most looking forward to Meeting my baby girl!!! So many questions on who she will look like, what her temperament and personality will be like. I use to be a fussy baby so I’m imagining the fussiest baby ever to prepare for the worst 😛

Okay long post, but this is my first pregnancy post. I hope to do this every week, so hopefully they become shorter as i continue 🙂

Sincerly, Mrs B

The moment my friend announced that she wanted to celebrate her bachelorette party in Cabo San Lucas, my friend and I took it upon ourselves to plan a Tiffany’s themed breakfast. First thing I did was search for ideas on pinterest in order to get inspired. I came across this beautiful Tiffany’s centerpiece and used this as our main inspiration and centered our ideas around it.


Most of the materials we bought at Michael’s craft store and at the Dollar Tree. We wanted to keep the cost at a minimal price and were also mindful that we had to transport everything to Mexico. We found champagne flutes and filled them with ghirardelli milk chocolates and decorated them with personalized wine glass charms that we ordered here on The favor boxes contained a hat sash that read “Diana’s Bachelorette” that we added to our cowboy beach hats and wore during our beach bash party. At the end, everything turned out well-only a few things were damaged on the flight over to cabo-and it was awesome to surprise our friend!


Fashion Obsession: Skinny Rings!

My current fashion obsession are Thin Rings! I love their minimalist and delicate look!

Jennifer Meyer Gold and Diamond Thin Ring



This weekend one of my best friends got married. Along with our bridesmaid dresses, shoes, and bridesmaid jewerly one of the most important bridesmaid accessories was our friendship bracelets.

These bracelets were a gift by one of our friends. She surprised us at my wedding back in 2010. I’d love to say that I remember the speech she gave us when she passed these out, but my memory is limited. What I can tell you though, is what this bracelet means to me.

This bracelet- like other pieces of jewelry- means commitment. It means commitment to be there for each other during times of change. TImes of change such as weddings or moments when we realize we are distancing from each other. Because life happens and change is inevitable, and this bracelet is another reminder of the special bond we have and the commitment we have for each other : )

It was awesome to spend memorial day weekend with them. There really is nothing like spending a weekend with my best friends- I always leave feeling happy, content, and recharged.

Sincerely, Mrs B.

Shooting Star Flower

California Ground Squirrel

Stellar’s Jay

Acorn Woodpecker

acorn storage close up

Merced River

I’ll be posting more in the next couple of days.

Sincerely, Mrs B.