How far along are you? 31 weeks – 9 weeks left to go! (I hope!)

Total weight gain/measurements: I weighed myself on Sunday while shopping at bed bath and beyond and I’m up at 134, gaining 20 pounds so far

Maternity clothes: Last week was soooo hot! I made good use of my maxi dresses, so comfortable!

Stretch marks: I found a light stretch mark on my lower back. It’s very faint so I’m not panicking yet. A few weeks back I mentioned that my mother gave me an almond oil stretch mark prevention set. Well, I was hesitant about the smell, but I started using it and the scent is very subtle! So that’s what I am using now.

Sleep: My sleep has changed this week. In the last seven days I’ve woken up twice for an hour in the early morning. My mood and energy levels are NOT appreciating these changes

Best moment this week: I was laying down on my bed and I started seeing some crazy movement coming from inside my belly. It hit me that my baby has arms and legs and a head and now I can actually visualize and see how she is using them! It just got more real….

Miss anything? Sodium drenched food! I started following a low sodium diet because I’m retaining water. I want a slice of pizza my heart and a Jumbo Jack!

Movement: Movements are no longer cute little bumps, they are strong and consistent. I was sitting in a meeting and suddenly groaned out loud because this little baby kicked me hard.

Food cravings: chocolate cake, chocolate cupcake, chocolate ice cream, brownies, donuts, chocolate croissants. Unfortunately most of these are also loaded with sodium :/ I think I have a chocolate monster growing inside me 😉

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not feeling sick and very grateful for that! I experience allergies in the morning once a while but they last an hour at the most, so can’t complain about that either!

Gender: Girl

Labour signs: Once a while I will feel this quick painful stretch low in my belly and wonder if that, X10, is what contractions will feel like.

Symptoms: back pain after sitting all day, swollen feet, tight tummy, increased appetite.

Belly button in or out? In.

mood: E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! My productivity has decreased both at home and at work. I’m grateful that I have a flexible work schedule and environment as well as husband 🙂 I have learned to slow down and that has helped my mood.

most looking forward to: One day, far into the future, I look forward to the day that my baby girl can read these posts and get a glimpse of life before she arrived. I hope through these quick short posts she can get a feeling of how much in love I was with her, even before meeting her, and how excited I was to welcome her into my life.

Sincerely, Mrs B