Hello, I am actually 29 weeks already, but I hadn’t had a chance to publish the 28th week, so here it is!

How far along are you? 28 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: I was 132 pounds a week ago, so I’m guessing I am more now…

Maternity clothes: I really didn’t want to go shopping anymore, but even my long shirts are starting to look short so I headed over to H&M and bought two long tunic tees.

Stretch marks: None and I love the oil I am currently using. My Mom bought me a set of almond oil, the same product she used with her pregnancies, but the smell was too strong for me 😦

Sleep: I am taking full advantage of my sleep!! Still sleeping through the night!

Best moment this week: Being surprised by my best friends, who flew across the state to spend a weekend together before the baby comes.

Miss anything? Salami when my friends were drinking wine and I was drinking alcohol-free wine

Movement: My baby is getting stronger!! I not only feel kicks, I feel her re-adjusting herself in there

Food cravings: chocolate!!! All day everyday!! Today I had Abuelita hot chocolate with a chocolate glazed donut!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Eating too much

Gender: Girl

Labour signs: Well it’s official, I’m experiencing Braxton Hicks for two weeks now. They aren’t painful or too uncomfortable, I just feel my belly tightening

Symptoms: back pain after sitting all day

Belly button in or out? Still in, but its on its way out…

mood: I was an emotional roller coaster this week! One day I was feeling happy and energetic and the next day I came home from work and went straight to bed, I had noooooo motivation to do absolutely anything, I seriously felt depressed for an afternoon. I probably cried in four different situations this week, and one of them was while listening to Obama’s speech in response to the Boston shootings.

most looking forward to: Meeting my baby for the first time, and after that, watching her grow and develop!

Sincerely, Mrs B